Commonwealth Bowl Raises Equivalent of 250,000 Pounds of Food

Kentucky’s area development district helped raise the equivalent of more than 250,000 pounds of food as part of the Commonwealth of Kentucky Bowl. Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes announced Monday, November 27, 2017, that the Big Sandy Area Development District is the winner of the overall award, having raised nearly 1/3 of a pound of food per person in their district. The Purchase Area Development District won for rural district, with the Northern Area Development District named the urban area winner. The Office of the Secretary of State partnered with the Kentucky Council of Area Development Districts, and the Kentucky Association of Food Banks for the inaugural campaign. The 250,000 pounds collected between October 16 through October 27 will feed over 2,500 people served by the food banks association for an entire year. Mayfield Mayor Teresa Rochetti-Cantrell, co-chair of the KCADD, said the donations will make a financial difference to the agencies who struggle to serve those in need.