Floyd County Schools Recognizes Classrooms for Kindergarten Readiness

The Floyd County Board of Education recently recognized eight classrooms for their success in the Early Childhood Program. Classrooms recognized scored an average of 90% or higher on the BRIGANCE assessment for students being ready for Kindergarten. Three classrooms had 100% of students ready for Kindergarten for the 2017-2018 school year, which were at Allen Elementary, South Floyd Elementary, and John M. Stumbo Elementary. Other classrooms at Prestonsburg Elementary, Duff-Allen Central Elementary, Betsy Layne Elementary, and South Floyd Elementary scored 90% or above. Superintendent Steve Trimble said to receive a high ranking in the region, teachers, assistants, the family service worker and the education consultant for the classroom work together for kids. He added he and the board team are happy to see Floyd County Schools housing top ranking classrooms in the region.