The search for cores of exoplanets around White Dwarf stars by tuning into radio waves they emit


Astronomers are planning to search for cores of exoplanets around white dwarf stars by tuning in to the radio waves that they emit.

The magnetic field between a white dwarf and an orbiting planetary core can form a unipolar inductor circuit, with the core acting as a conductor due to its metallic components. Radiation from that circuit is emitted as radio waves which can then be detected by radio telescopes on Earth. The effect can also be detected from Jupiter and its moon Io, which form a circuit of their own.

A new discovery would help reveal the history of these star systems, because for a core to have reached that stage it would have been violently stripped of its atmosphere and mantle at some point and then thrown towards the white dwarf. Such a core might also provide a glimpse into our OWN distant future, and how the solar system will eventually evolve.