Floyd County Schools start counselor hotline


As schools are shifting to online education, students are adjusting to a lot especially as sports seasons are taken away, proms are being canceled, and graduation is up in the air.

Many questions loom for students across the country, so Floyd County Schools want their students to have someone to talk to.

“We’re here for you. We’re all in this together and we’re here for you,” said Floyd County Schools Superintendent Danny Adkins.

As messages to school counselors poured in, they decided to create a counseling hotline.

“They will be greeted with a friendly voice, hopefully, a familiar voice,” said Adkins.

Counselors do not want students to go through it alone.

“They had a concern that they really wanted to be able to stay in contact with their students a little easier, and not just students but parents. Right now we have all our staff even our counselors that are calling throughout the day checking on students individually,” said Adkins.

Nikki Queen-Gilliam, a counselor at Floyd Central, says many of the kids are just uncertain as to what is going to happen.

“Reassure them that things are gonna be okay and we just kinda have to follow what the guidelines have been set for us with the people that know what’s going on with this situation,” said Queen-Gilliam.

She says sometimes they just need someone to listen.

“Kids are really resilient and they if you talk to them and just let them get their feelings out most of the time they feel a lot better,” said Queen-Gilliam.

Seven counselors and two psychologists are available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m.

“When you call the hotline you can choose the school that you talk to or you can choose just random anyone that is available at the time,” said Queen-Gilliam.

The hotline number is 606-886-4546.