Federal Court ruled in favor of Board of Education Reorganizing


Gov. Beshear welcomed a ruling Wednesday from a federal judge that found he broke no laws in reorganizing the Kentucky Board of Education.

“One of my first acts as Governor was reforming Kentucky’s Board of Education. I was wanting to ensure that we had a board that had vast education experience and was a board that would find a new commissioner through a national search so that we could get the very best, not just hiring one of the Governor’s buddies,” the Governor said. “Today, the federal court in the Eastern District of Kentucky ruled in our favor, saying it was a valid reorganization.

“The Senate confirmed all but one of the members even in a time when there were arguments about it. I thought that was a very bipartisan gesture led by Senator Stivers. It helped us move forward and I think that we are going to have some dynamite candidates (for education commissioner).”

The lawsuit was brought by former board members who claimed Gov. Beshear had violated federal law in his move.