Secretary of State Michael Adams talks election in Floyd County


Adams spoke about the expanded option to vote in person this general election.

Secretary of State Michael Adams spoke at the Floyd County chamber meeting on Wednesday.

“We are going to have three weeks of in-person voting. We are going to have Saturday voting for the first time in Kentucky history. Plus we’re going to have more locations on election day,” said Adams.

Adams says the number of people to vote in the general election could be nearly two million voters. Those numbers exceeding the amount of absentee ballots compared to that of the primary election.

“I think we will have about a 72% turn out that’s my projection. That’s huge it’s been a long time since we had that kind of turn out. That’s why I don’t want to over-utilize the absentee process it’s there for those who need it but our system will crash if everybody votes absentee so we’re encouraging people to vote in person,” said Adams. “If you have an age or health condition that you feel you are at risk or you were with someone who is at risk we respect that. We encourage you to go to and get an absentee ballot.”

With more people voting in person and counting absentee votes earlier Adam says it could impact when we would see results.

“This time we think we are going to have much more proportionately of the votes cast in person with three weeks of in-person voting but we are also going to count the absentees earlier and faster this time. So my expectation is we will have about 3/4 of the vote counted by election night. We will be able to actually pronounced winners on election day. “

The last day to register to vote is October 5th at 4 p.m. The Last day to register for an absentee ballot is October 9th.