State Auditor Release Audit of the Sheriff’s Settlement – 2021 Taxes for Floyd County Sheriff John Hunt


State Auditor Mike Harmon  released the audit of the sheriff’s settlement – 2021 taxes for Floyd County Sheriff John Hunt. State law requires the auditor to annually audit the accounts of each county sheriff.

The sheriff’s financial statement fairly presents the taxes charged, credited and paid for the period April 16, 2021 through August 31, 2022 in conformity with the regulatory basis of accounting.

The auditor noted no instances of noncompliance. The auditor also noted no matters involving internal control over financial reporting and its operation that were considered to be material weaknesses.

The sheriff’s responsibilities include collecting property taxes, providing law enforcement and performing services for the county fiscal court and courts of justice. The sheriff’s office is funded through statutory commissions and fees collected in conjunction with these duties.